Thursday, March 12, 2009

Full coverage of Non-EPIC Electors

It suggested that following steps may be taken to ensure full coverage of non-epic electors-

1. From the data provided to all SDOs on data of SRER 2009, there is a figure showing “non-epic electors”. Add a column in the EXCEL Sheet to enter booth wise EPIC covered.
Calculate the non-epic electors still to be photographed booth wise.
Calculate % of non-epic electors in next column still to be photographed.
2. U can filter “more than 2 or 3 or 4% non-epic electors” booths for each AC thru Microsoft Excel and concentrate in those areas. Work out a plan to cover them first.
3. Give adequate publicity before going to that area.
4. In case the nos. of non-epic electors to be covered is less in any area, plan in such a way that same camera can be used in one location in the morning and in another in the after noon. Publicity should be given accordingly with specific mention to such timings.
5. One important reason for long queues is slow disposal by staff in clearing the papers and sending electors to cameramen for photograph, Whereas cameramen remains idle for sometime. And second reason for long queue is that the actual work starts late in the morning.
6. An important reason for low turnout is long queue and the applicant [old persons, ladies with kids, working persons] fear that they have to wait for 4-5 hours for photograph in queue. This acts as a deterrent for most of them to come for photograph.
7. To address this issue ensure that work starts sharp at 10 am and staff disposes papers efficiently. If need be the staff strength can be increased .One Senior officer of block should reach the mobile photography location early in the morning and see that work starts smoothly and timely and then he can come back to office. 8. Increase nos. of cameras after assessing the requirement as suggested earlier.

1 comment:

  1. Sir,
    at today's all political party meeting it was requested to me that I talk to higher authorities to extend EPIC program for some more days and allowing lost cases also.This is because people here have to always carry their EPICs when they go near borders for livelihood and have to deposit the EPICs with the BSF.So due to daily use the chances of EPICs getting lost is high.So if EPIC is lost after the end of extended EPIC program(in program for 14th and 15th we'll be covering only new cases)these people may not be able to vote.This is for your kind information only.
