Thursday, March 12, 2009


Some tasks to be done (proposed ) . Anyone to help me to modify or extend it ????

Missing Voters in Format 8./8A

  1. part wise /Booth wise details along with critical status
  2. Route map
  3. Route chart according to DC?RC and vehicle terminal / parking point.
  4. Block profile containing block map showing vulnerable areas, GP wise census report with male/female break up.
  5. List of polling stations with no.of voters with M/F break up
  6. Sector arrangement with communication plan.
  7. Proforma report on 100% physical verification of poling stations with digital photo.
  8. Budget requirement w.r.t. Election conduct.
  9. Exhaustive list of employees to be engaged in election other than polling duty to be send by BDOs for exemption after they have send the list of all employees.


  1. Sir,

    It is nice going through ur blog.
    The points u indicated in this blog r being taken care of. Actually, we r in the process of exercising the same and I expect to submit the report by targetted date.
    Kindly see whether arrangements can made for sharing the blog by ur ADMs & SDMs or by the BDOs just to enrich it on sharing information.


    Sandip, SDM,Domkal

  2. Sir,
    Thank you for creating the blog .We have taken care of almost all the points except for the photograph of all P.S .Though we have taken care of certain school during the sanitation survey the rest will be covered within ten days by the help of MCC squad and Sector officer.

    Thanking You

    Debarshi, BDO ,Bhratpur II

  3. Sir
    Regarding arrangement of RC the following points may be considered for hassle free scrutiny by Observer on P+1 day:
    1. In most of the occasions the counter personnel at RC receive the polled materials without checking/ verifying resulting to a mess on the day of scrutiny. The observer will check the following items (all or some of it) for some selected booth; but all the records to be arranged in an apple pie order for speedy supply on demand of the observer.
    2. List of Reports: -PS05A, 17C, Presiding Officer’s Diary, Declaration of Presiding Officer, 16 Pts Observer’s Report, Visit Sheet, Report on Visually Challenged Voter and 17A (Presiding Officer)
    Sector Officer’s Report & Mock Poll Certificate (Sector Officer)
    Micro Observer’s Report
    Camera Log Sheet & CD
    CD of Video Graph.
    3. The report of Sector Officer, Micro Observer, Camera & Video graph will be collected at different counters and preserved accordingly.
    4. But the reports which will be submitted by the Presiding Officer if not be received and kept in a arranged way problem will be created in searching specific report of a specific polling station.
    5. Under the circumstances I would like to request you to think the matter as:
    A separate Envelop affixing the check list of reports submitted by the Presiding Officer & polling station number to be supplied to each and every counter and ask the official responsible for it to check and sign certifying the availability of the report in the Envelop (stapled) . After that arranged the envelop in sequential and stored in pre-labeled trunk.
    In this arrangement Voter Register, 17A be kept in this Envelop instead of Statutory Cover. This deviation from the Conduction of Election Rule 1961 may be considered without breaking the seal of it. On the P+1 day we also do the thing, then what wrong if we do it on P day.
    Other reports like Sector Officer, Micro Observer etc. will be preserved in separate file.
    With regards,

    Dipyaman Majumder
    Jt BDO, Hariharpara
